Rewrite Your Story. Over and Over Until it’s a Book You Want to Read


Did you ever have a big essay due for class and realized 5 or 10 pages in that you wanted and needed to rewrite the paper? Maybe keep a page or a paragraph here and there but overall you were unhappy and unsatisfied with how the essay was going and needed to fix it ASAP. Sounds a lot like our life’s story. Like writing a long paper for a school assignment and realizing everything that was written is wrong, not relevant, and needs to be rewritten completely. Or at least most of it.

How does it feel? Bring back any emotions? Frustrating, upsetting; like you spent ALL this time writing what you thought was right and made sense? 

The cool thing is: you can rewrite your story (and that paper) however you want to. You may have learned from things that were previously written, taken certain parts that you liked but decided that there is a totally new narrative that you want to write and create for your life. 

Yes of course, I know what you’re thinking. “Well I can’t just delete or backspace things that I did in my life” I totally get that! But clearly we have all written, developed, and decided our lives are based on a particular narrative or story that we “have” to live our lives by.

This is the job I HAVE to have, the body I’m SUPPOSED to have to be acceptable in society, I HAVE to get married and have kids (by this age or else), I HAVE to go to college and get a degree (to get that boring job I mentioned earlier), etc. etc. But have you ever considered, is this what I REALLY want or is this the story I’ve been fed my whole life that made me believe that’s the only route/path/option for me?

I’m here to tell you: not everyone is meant to live the same life and have the same story! We all have our own individual talents, capabilities, and magic that we can offer the world! But we have been fed the notion that status quo is best, “stability” is best, and don’t you dare go against that or you’re crazy, deranged, and not allowed to sit at the cool kids table.

Again, you can rewrite your story however and whenever you want because luckily there is no deadline that this assignment has to be turned in by! Your life is up to you! Do you want your story/ life to be that person who went after their dreams? Their real dreams of being a purple haired, traveling wellness blogger who lives in Thailand and talks about how awesome their life is?? Or the person who joined a missionary against their parents wishes to help teach orphans in overseas? 

To some people that sounds crazy and so out of their comfort zone but for some people that is their calling and passion in life. So why not go do what lights your soul on fire?? It’s really that simple but we love to complicate things by adding drama and what if’s. “What if my family judges me?” “What if I stay single forever because I was off doing that thing?” “What if I decide to never come back?” 

That’s just our comfort zone and brain keeping us “safe” and comfortable in the “known” aka our current (and very unhappy) situation. 

Look I’m not saying to quit your day job to backpack through Europe tomorrow (unless that’s what you really want then you do you boo boo) but I am saying that even making small changes and deciding to ultimately change your life is scary shit but what’s scarier: living a boring, mundane life or taking a leap of faith to do what you love and actually make yourself happy?! 

That question is completely open to interpretation so take what you need from it.

And until next time, much love.


Okay, but are you actually scared to succeed?


The 3 Word Phrase That Changed My Life